
  • Solity, J.E. (2020). Instructional Psychology and Teaching Reading: Ending the reading wars. The Educational and Developmental Psychologist. Online DOI: Published online by Cambridge University Press: 10 August 2020
  • O’Conner, K. & Solity, J. E. (2020). Assessing the Impact of a Well-Founded Intervention With Lower Achieving Students in Key Stage 2. Educational Psychology in Practice. 36, 3, 257-280.
  • Dyson, H., Solity, J.E., Best, W. & Hulme, C. (2018). The Effectiveness of a Small Group Vocabulary Intervention Programme: Evidence from a Regression Discontinuity Design. International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders, Published online on 7th. June 2018).
  • Dyson, H., Best, W., Solity, J.E. & Hulme, C. (2017). Training Mispronunciation Correction and Word Meanings Improves Children’s Ability to Learn to Read Words. Scientific Studies of Reading. 21, 5, 392-407.
  • Darnell, C. A., Solity, J.E. & Wall, H. (2017). Decoding the Phonics Screening Check. British Educational Research Journal., 43, 3, 505-527.
  • Ward, J., Crawford, S. & Solity, J.E. (2017). Applying Assessment-Through-Teaching and Instructional Psychology: An alternative model of service delivery to raise attainments in primary schools. Educational and Child Psychology, 34, 1, 94-109.
  • Carroll, J.M., Solity, J.E. & Shapiro, L.R. (2016) Predicting Dyslexia Using Prereading Skills: The role of sensor-motor and cognitive abilities. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 57, 750-58.
  • Shapiro, L., & Solity, J.E. (2016). Differing Effects of Two Synthetic Phonics Programmes on Early Reading Development. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 86, 2, 182-203.
  • Solity, J. E. (2015) The Rhetoric and Reality of Evidence-Based Practice and Teaching Reading: How to bridge the curriculum gap. Centre for Strategic Education, Occasional Paper 141, Melbourne, CSE.
  • Shapiro, L.R., Carroll, J.M. & Solity, J.E. (2013). Separating the Influences of Pre-reading Skills on Early Word and Non-word Reading. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 116, 2, 278-95.
  • Vousden, J.I., Ellefson, M.R., Solity, J.E., & Chater, N. (2011). Simplifying Reading: Applying the Simplicity Principle to Reading. Cognitive Science, 35, 34-78.
  • Solity, J.E. & Vousden, J. (2009) Real Books and Reading Schemes: A perspective from Instructional Psychology. Educational Psychology, 29, 4, 469-511.
  • Solity, J.E. (2008) A lesson in teaching. Human Givens, 15, 2, 36-39.
  • Solity, J.E. & Shapiro, L.R. (2008) Developing the Practice of Educational Psychologists Through Theory and Research. Educational and Child Psychology, 25, 3, 123-149.
  • Shapiro, L., & Solity, J.E. (2008). Delivering Phonological and Phonics Training Within Whole-Class Teaching. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 78, 4, 597-620.
  • Seabrook, R., Brown, G.D.A., & Solity, J.E. (2005) Distributed and Massed Practice: From laboratory to classroom. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 19, 107-122.
  • Solity, J.E. (2003) Teaching Phonics in Context: A Critique of the National Literacy Strategy. Playing with Sounds, London, DfES.
  • Solity, J.E. (2002) What Makes Writing Hard? A response to Stainthorp. The Psychology of Education Review, 26, 1, 17-21.
  • Solity, J.E. (2002) Reading Schemes Versus ‘Real Books’ Revisited. Literacy Today, 31 June, 20.
  • Solity, J.E. (2000) The Early Reading Research: Applying Psychology to Classroom Practice. Educational and Child Psychology, 17, 2, 46-65.
  • Solity, J.E., Deavers, R., Kerfoot, S., Crane, G. & Cannon, K. (2000) The Early Reading Research: The Impact of Instructional Psychology. Educational Psychology in Practice, 16, 2, 109-129.
  • Deavers, R., Solity, J.E. and Kerfoot, S. (2000) The Effect of Instruction on Early Nonword Reading Strategies. Journal of Research in Reading, 23, 3, 267-286.
  • Solity, J.E. (1999) Instructional Psychology and Dyslexia. British Psychological Society, Division of Educational and Child Psychology, Newsletter, 89, 15-23.
  • Solity, J.E. & Deavers, R. (1999) The Early Reading Research: Success for All?Special Children, 120, 1-8.
  • Solity, J.E., Deavers, R., Kerfoot, S., Crane, G. & Cannon, K. (1999) Raising Literacy Attainments in the Early Years: The Impact of Instructional Psychology. Educational Psychology, 19, 4, 373-395.
  • Solity, J.E., Deavers, R., Kerfoot, S., Crane, G. & Cannon, K. (1999) Early Reading Research: An Overview. British Psychological Society, Division of Educational and Child Psychology, Newsletter, 91, 7-16.
  • Solity, J. E., Deavers, R. and Kerfoot, S. (1999) ‘The Early Reading Research: Implications for Word Level Work Within the National Literacy Strategy’, Paper Prepared for an Invited Conference on: The Importance of Phonics in Learning to Read and Write, London, Ofsted.
  • Deavers, R. & Solity, J.E. (1998) The Role of Rime Units in Reading. Educational and Child Psychology, 15, 4, 6-15.
  • Solity, J.E. (1996) ‘Discrepancy Definitions of Dyslexia: An Assessment-through-teaching Perspective.’ Educational Psychology in Practice, 12, 3, 141-151.
  • Solity, J.E. (1996) ‘Reframing Psychological Assessment.’ Educational and Child Psychology, 13, 3, 94-102.
  • Solity, J.E. (1996) Phonological Awareness: Learning Disabilities Revisited?Educational and Child Psychology, 13, 3, 103-113.
  • Solity, J.E. (1995) Assessment-through-teaching and the Code of Practice.Educational and Child Psychology, 12, 3, 29-35
  • Solity, J.E. (1995) Psychology, Teachers and the Early Years. International Journal of Early Years Education, 3, 1, 5-23
  • Solity, J.E. (1995) A Psychological Perspective on Teacher Professional Development. Journal of Teacher Development, 4, 3, 5-14.
  • Solity, J.E. (1994) An English Perspective: The Relevance of Behavioural Approaches and the English National Curriculum. Effective School Practices, 13, 3, 45-55.
  • Solity, J.E. (1993) Assessment-through-teaching: A Case of Mistaken Identity.Educational and Child Psychology, 10, 4, 27-47.
  • Solity, J.E. (1991) An Overview of Behavioural Approaches to Teaching Children with Learning Difficulties and the National Curriculum. Educational Psychology, 11, 2, 151-167.
  • Solity, J.E. (1991) Special Needs: A Discriminatory Concept? Educational Psychology In Practice, 7, 1, 12-19.
  • Solity, J.E. (1991) Teachers, Children and Language Difficulties in the Primary School. Educational and Child Psychology, 8, 3, 16-31.
  • Raybould, E.C. & Solity, J.E. (1988) Precision Teaching and All That. British Journal of Special Education, 15, 1, 32-3.
  • Raybould, E.C. & Solity, J.E. (1988) More Questions About Precision Teaching.British Journal of Special Education, 15, 2, 59-61.
  • Rhind-Tutt, P. & Solity, J.E. (1984) Teaching Effectively with Microcomputers.Journal of the Association of Educational Psychologists, 6, 4, 29-34.
  • White, P.G., Solity, J.E. & Reeve, C.J. (1984) Teaching Parents to Teach Reading.Special Needs/Forward Trends, 11, 11-13.
  • Raybould, E.C. & Solity, J.E. (1982) Teaching with Precision. Special Education/Forward Trends, 9, 2, 9-13.
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